Kupi Ingenious (ENG) Rasprodano Cijena: 35,70 € Status: Rasprodano (Info o proizvodu)(Po narudžbi) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ocijeni Obavijesti me kada proizvod postane dostupan: Email: Prijavi me Opis Igrača: 1-4 Trajanje: 20 minLay out the board and place all the tiles into the black bag. Take a tile rack for each player and start with 6 tiles from the bag. Place your wooden cube markers on the colour symbols (number 0) on the score-boards. Each tile has 2 symbols. The object of the game is to place a tile with one of its symbols next to a similar one already on the board and to score as many lines of colours going in a straight line from each of the 2 symbols on the tiles. As you score each turn, you move your marker along the scoreboard. When the players have completely filled the main playing board with tiles, then the game is over. The winner is the player whose "worst" marker has advanced the most!