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Kupi Catan Explorers & Pirates 5-6 Player Extension 2015 Refresh (ENG

Cijena: 43,67 €

Status: Rasprodano (Info o proizvodu)(Po narudžbi)

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Now 5 to 6 players can explore Catan’s wild unknown seas in search of fish, spices, or rich new lands for settlement!

Catan: Explorers & Pirates 5-6 Player Extension™ allows you to add 1 or 2 new opponents without sacrificing ease of play. As in the Catan: Explorers & Pirates expansion, you’ll build harbor settlements, ships, settlers, and crews and set out across mysterious seas in search of new lands, spices, fish, and gold fields. So, get a team of 5 or 6 together for an adventure in
Catan. Challenge pirates on land and sea as you seek to win renown. Use your ships to carry loyal settlers and claim faraway territory.

  • Expansion requires Catan Board Game Catan Explorers and Pirates Expansion to use
  • Add up to two more players to your Catan Explorers and Pirates Game
  • Ages 12+
  • Takes the Catan Explorers and Pirate Expansion up to 3 to 6 players
  • 60 minute playing time
Box Contains

  • 1 rulebook
  • 8 harbor settlements (wood)
  • 18 Crews (wood)
  • 6 ships (wood)
  • 4 settlers (wood)
  • 6 markers (wood double cubes)
  • 2 pirate ships (wood)
  • 2 fish(wood)
  • 12 spice sacks (wood cubes)
  • 2 pirate lair hexes
  • 2 pirate lair tokens
  • 3 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (green backs)
  • 3 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (orange backs)
  • 4 sea hexes
  • 1 Large Council of Catan tri-hex piece
  • 1 Large Sea tri-hex
  • 3 Number tokens (orange backs)
  • 3 Number tokens (green backs)
  • 2 building cost cards
  • 2 player piece manifest cards
  • 1 new piece manifest card
