Kupi Ligretto - Red (954) (ENG)

Cijena: 16,05 €
Status: U prodaji (Po narudžbi)
Let the cards fly!Ligretto is a turbulent card game that no home should be without. It is fascinating, entertaining, and astoundingly simple! Simultaneously, all players must try to discard as many cards of the same colour as possible from 1 to 10. Players need to be fast, clever and skilful.This game provides 160 red Ligretto playing cards. If you combine two different-coloured boxes of the Ligretto basic game, up to 8 players can participate. And if you use all three different boxes, you can play with up to 12 persons.Contents: 160 cardsAges: 8+ for 2 - 4 playersPlaying time: 10 minutes
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