Kupi CD ROM Razglednica - London (PC)

Žanr: Turizam
Status: U prodaji
Prikaz više od 70 najpoznatijih atrakcija Londona kroz priče i slike, animirani vodič, interaktivna karta grada, zanimljivosti, video, preko 1000 fotografija i slika sa 360°, cijeli sadržaj na 8 jezika (GB, F, D, I, S, NL, J, RUS).
Interaktivna karta - sadrži detaljan prikaz najpoznatijih atrakcija i znamenitosti Londona
Foto galerija - Znamenitosti i atrakcije Londona prikazani su kroz pisanu riječ i vrhunske fotografije koje se mogu poslati kao Internet razglednice. Posebno je izdvojena galerija fotografija velikog formata koje se jednostavno mogu štampati, kolaž wallpapera i screensaver + 360° panoramske slike.
Maskota - animirani vodič kroz CD-ROM, čuveni londonski Bobby.
Video film - Video šetnja najpoznatijim znamenitostima Londona.
An overview of over 70 famous attractions of London through stories and photos, animated guide, interactive map, interesting tidbits, video, over 1000 photos and images with 360° view, entire content in 8 languages (GB, F, D, I, S, NL, J, RUS).
Interactive map - Take a look at the presentation of one of the most famous travel destinations in the world– London. CD-ROM features a detailed overview of the most famous attractions and sights of London.
Photo gallery - Sights and attractions of London are presented through the written word and high quality photos that can be sent as Internet postcards. There is a separate gallery of photos that can be printed, a selection of wallpapers and a screensaver + panoramic photos with 360° view.
Mascot - animated guide through the CD-ROM, famous London Bobby.
Video - video tour of London.