Kupi Drakensang: The River Of Time Game (PC) Rasprodano Cijena: 19,78 € Platforma: PCŽanr: RPG Status: Rasprodano (Info o proizvodu) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ocijeni Obavijesti me kada proizvod postane dostupan: Email: Prijavi me Opis Drakensang The River of Time Game PC: The highly acclaimed PC-RPG The Dark Eye: Drakensang was awarded "best German game" and "best German RPG" amongst many others. Drakensang: The River of Time features all-new adventures in the medieval world of Aventuria, based on one of Europe's favourite RPG systems: The Dark Eye. The prequel's story of Drakensang: The River of Time leads players to events that took place 23 years before the original Drakensang game's events. As a young apprentice, players meet the young dwarf Forgrimm and many other recognisable characters. Nadoret is in the south of Ferdok at the big river. In addition to the well known archetypes you will find two new classes of heroes: The Geodes (rare Aventurian druids of the dwarfs) and the Gjalskerland inhabitants (tenacious and hard barbarians). Another innovation is the so called miracle: Sanctified of the twelve Aventurian gods can send for divine intervention.