Kupi Fallen Earth: Blood Sports (PC) Rasprodano Cijena: 10,49 € Platforma: PCŽanr: Akcija Status: Rasprodano (Info o proizvodu)(Po narudžbi) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ocijeni Obavijesti me kada proizvod postane dostupan: Email: Prijavi me Opis Set in the post-apocalyptic Grand Canyon in 2156, Fallen Earth pits faction against faction, survivor against survivor as they craft, fight and scavenge to stay alive. Game Industry News 2009 Game of the Year Awards: Best Online Game; Forget elves and trolls and dragons. Fallen Earth offers a gritty post-apocalyptic MMO adventure set in a unique world where ammunition may be the most valuable commodity. Embark on a journey of survival with thousands of other players as you fight bandits and mutated creatures out in the wastelands that were once civilization. Coupled with an intense crafting interface, Fallen Earth may well set the bar for other MMOs to follow. •Key Features - Variety of Encounters: Choose your fate in a challenge of Deathmatch, Survival, Capture the Flag or Assault •Deathtoll Points: Compete to earn points to buy high-end weapons and armor •New Gear: Visit merchants throughout the arena to purchase new PvP-oriented armor and gear •World-wide Queuing: Once registered, sign up for an upcoming challenge from anywhere in the world •Team and Solo Play: Band together with clan mates or friends in a team or compete on a solo basis •Combat Methods: Levels designed to be competitive for both Ranged and melee players •Encounters - Deathmatch: Deathmatch is a 16-player free-for-all match. Players earn points based on number of kills and other special bonus points •Survival: Survival is also a 16-player free-for all-match and as the name suggests, players are awarded for staying alive the longest (and getting in the most kills)! •Capture the Flag: In Capture the Flag, two teams of eight square-off to attempt to capture the enemy flag while protecting their own! First team to reach a score of three wins •Assault: In Assault, two teams of eight are split up at the start of the match. One must run through a gauntlet of challenges—filled with monsters, switches, and explosions! The other team must work together to stop them from succeeding. After the first assault, the teams switch places. Whoever finishes the fastest, or makes it the farthest, is the winner.