Kupi L.O.L. Surprise! - Surprise Route 707 Tot #2 (425915) (N) Privremeno nedostupno Cijena: 16,00 € Tip: LOL Status: Privremeno nedostupno (Po narudžbi) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ocijeni Obavijesti me kada proizvod postane dostupan: Email: Prijavi me Opis Meet the L.O.L. The Surprise Route 707 dolls that will accompany you on your L.O.L. Surprise! road trip. Find a total of 12 different limited edition figures and detailed accessories to take along for the journey. Ages 4 years and up.Includes:- L.O.L. Surprise! Route 707 exclusive doll- 7 surprises to unwrap- mix & match accessories